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The Tradescantia Family is an excellent choice for your enclosure! Not all members of this family are recommended to cohabitate with reptiles; but lucky for our customers we only carry Tradescantia that are recommended to place in a BioActive enclosure. This plant is a terrestrial vine that is native to Central and South America and is loved here at BioActive Supply for its gorgeous coloration and patterns!


In addition to being a gorgeous addition to your enclosure, the Tradescantia can also be grown easily as a house plant! We recommend planting your tradescantia houseplant in our BioActive All-Purpose Potting Soil!


This is a grower's choice plant meaning the plant you receive may not look like the photo but we choose the plant with the best quality before shipping out!


Lighting- Bright, Indirect light, Do not place directly under a basking/heat lamp

Humidity- 50-100%

Temperature-  60-85 degrees(F)

Edible?- The Tradescantia has mild toxicity in its stem but is only harmful if ingested in large quantities, if ingested in large quantities the plant can cause digestive and oral irritation.

Tradescantia, "Wandering Jew" 4in

Out of Stock
  • This Plant is ideal for the following reptiles or any that are similar! 

    • Ball Python
    • Chameleon
    • Milk Snake
    • Kin Snake
    • African Egg Eater Snake
    • Jeweled Lacerta
    • Green Anole
    • Crested Gecko
    • Gargoyle Gecko
    • Blue tongue Skink
    • and so many more

    Don't see your animal listed here?? email us at  and we can give you a list of recommended items for your animal!


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