The Aerathos purple Airplant is an Ephyphitic plant that naturally grows on the side of trees. This plant is known for its year-round purple blush, striking pink and purple blooms, and producing many pups.
We here at BioActive Supply recommend the Aerathos purple for humid enclosures that maintain humidity levels at 60% and up; these plants naturally come from a very humid region that aids them in absorbing nutrients from the air around them. If these plants are being placed in a drier enclosure, we recommend watering your plant separately and placing it on the cool side of your enclosure.
As a houseplant: The Areathos Purple is a great addition to any home. This plant is made to absorb nutrients and moisture from the air; one common misconception people have when purchasing an air plant is they don't have to do anything for the plant besides placing it on a nice spot in their home. Now, if you live in a humid place like the American southeast, this may be the case, but if you live in a different area, then you may have to supplement your plant by watering it every week.
Each Air plant order will include a flyer containing care instructions.
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