Sphagnum moss is one of our most popular preserved mosses and with good reason; this Versatile moss can be used in all sorts of setups! The reason for this is it is an excellent humidity retention tool in a setup whether it is sitting on top of your substrate or buried below it will aid the health of all organisms in your bioactive enclosure!
Sphagnum Moss 1qt Bag
Rainforest: Place it on top of your substrate to:
- Increase humidity in your enclosure
- provide safe cover for your clean up crew
- provide a soft layer for your critter to lay on.
Forest Floor: place on top of your substrate or mix some in to:
- create a place for your detritivore insects to stay hydrated, you can do this by misting regurally.
Grassland: your can help add pockets of humidity to your setup by:
- placing Spagnim moss at the base of plants
- burrow a handful under the substrate for your clean up crew to stay hydrated
Desert:You can provide added humidity by:
- burrowing a few handfuls under the substrate to keep your clean up crew hydrated