Red oak leaf litter (Quercus rubra) is a soft leaf that can provide multiple benefits to a bioactive enclosure. Firstly, it acts as a natural nutrient layer above the substrate, contributing to the creation of a diverse microhabitat for beneficial good bacteria and invertebrates. Secondly, as the leaf litter decomposes, it releases organic matter and nutrients, enriching the soil and supporting plant growth. Lastly, the leaf litter offers opportunities for foraging and natural behaviors (enrichment) for reptiles and invertebrates within the enclosure.
This leaf litter can be used in all habitat types of BioActive enclosures.
How to use: Simply spread a layer of clean and dry valley oak leaf litter on the floor of the enclosure. Aim for a depth of 1-2 inches, depending on the size of the enclosure. Leaf litter should be the top layer of your animal's home. It can also be added directly into the substrate for your burrowing type isopods to utilize as food. If you are using a BioActive Supply substrate, organics including small pieces of leaf litter are already added to the substrate, no additional leaf litter is required to be mixed in.
Some fun facts about Red Oak Trees: They are prolific acorn producers. They typically produce abundant crops of acorns every 2-5 years, known as "mast years." These acorns are an important food source for wildlife, including squirrels, deer, and birds and it is the state tree of New Jersey.
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