This kit has everything you need to assemble an amazing 24" x 18" front-opening Rainforest habitat enclosure.
Here at BioActive Supply we recommend a rainforest kit for animals requiring humidity levels between 70% and 100%.
This kit includes:
1x 24 qt Rainforest Substrate
1x 6 qt Rainforest Substrate
6x 3 qt drainage layer
1x mesh barrier
2x small Cork Oak pieces
2x bag of leaf litter
2x bag of Sphagnum Moss
This type of setup is recommended for Amazon Milk Frog, Blue Tongue Skink, Chahoua Gecko, Chinese Cave Gecko, Chinese Water Dragon, Chubby Frog, Crested Gecko, Emerald Swift, Madagascar Day Gecko, Mantells, Fire Belly Toad, Fire Skink, Gargoyle Gecko, Gold Dust Day Gecko, Green Anole, Green Iguana, Green Tree Python, Horned Frog, Leachianus Gecko, Madagascar Day Gecko, Mantella, Monkey Tail Skink, Leaf Tail Gecko, Panther Chameleon, Pink Toed Tarantula, Rainbow Boa, Red Eyed Crocodile Skink, Red Eyed Tree Frog, Red Foot Tortoise, Red Tail Boa Constrictor, Rhino Iguana, Tegu, Tokay Gecko, Tomato Frog, Veiled Chameleon, Vietnamese Mossy Frog, Whites Tree Frog and many more!
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Providing you the tools to create the self sustaining BioActive vivarium of your animal's dreams!

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