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The Jade plant is a wonderful addition to any dry enclosure. This succulent is slow growing and adds a nice "tree" looking element to an enclosure, its branches can support extra small to medium-sized critters!

The Jade Plant prefers to be planted in a medium to highly lighted enclosure.

Temperature- High temperature and drought tolerant, between 60-85 degrees(F)

Humidity- The Jade plant when first planted will need an initial watering, and sparse watering every once in a while. When cleaning the water bowl we recommend dumping it out onto the plant and consider that their watering.

Edible?- The Jade Plant is considered Non-Toxic, but isn't considered an edible plant but an ornamental one.


Jade, Crassula ovata Succulent 4in

Only 3 left in stock
  • This Plant is Ideal for Animals that come from a Dry grassland to desert habitat.

    We recommend this plant for a

    • Bearded Dragon
    • Leopard Gecko
    • Hognose Snake
    • African Fat-tailed gecko
    • Feigning death beetle
    • Desert hairy scorpion
    • Leopard Tortoise
    • Savannah Monitor
    • And many More!


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