All our Assorted Bromeliad Pups are a part of the Neoregellia family making them suitable for small to large-sized enclosures, they will grow in a rosette pattern and can range from a few inches to eight inches across! These are not Rooted Adult plants but their juvenile offspring who are just starting to become established! ,Bromeliads are Ephiphytes meaning they can grow without soil present; In their native habitat they grow on a variety of different objects from tree trunks, branches, and fence posts! This plant is happiest when mounted on a piece of cork oak or any other woody surface! If you want your bromeliad to grow in a pot we recommend pairing it with our Soilless chunky Aroid Mix which was developed for epiphytes, and other similar plants.
Lighting- Bromeliads are suitable for most lights, if they are given brighter light they will present with greater color!for
Temperature- Bromeliads are high and low-temperature tollerent they can tolerate between 50-85 degrees farenhigt, but ideally would prefer to live in between 65-75 degrees.
Humidity- Bromeliads can be drought tolerant but prefer high humidity, they are native to Central and South America and are happiest with their humidity levels between 45% and 100%
Edible?-Non-toxic if consumed, but are typically used for ornamental, not edible, purposes.
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