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Providing you the tools to create the self sustaining BioActive vivarium of your animal's dreams!

Poison Dart Frog Supplies

The Poison Dart frog family is full of individuals, each with they're own unique traits. Dart frogs can be found throughout central and south america in their rainforest regions! Some individuals prefer to live life along the forest floor but others will venture up into the trees in search of food, water sources, and places to lay their eggs! The Poison dart frog is an amphibian, and like all amphibians though cold blooded they have skin instead of scales, because of this they require high humidity! If these amazing Creatures get too dry they can have difficulty breathing and eventually die. When building your Dart Frog enclosure it is important to choose the correct items that will help you maintain humidity and coverage for your frog to feel comfortable in the space you've created for tham.
Step By Step, What you need to create a Poison Dart Frog BioActive enclosure.
Step 1- First apply your Drainage layer to the bottom of your enclosure. The Drainage layer is important and essential to create a water table, or a space for excess water to sit without mixing with soil. When stagnant water and soil mixes it can become a breeding ground for bad bacteria that can cause your ecosystem and animals' health to decline; in addition to this, it can also makes your enclosure smell swampy and the odor will spread into your home. This can be avoided by simply adding a drainage layer.
Step 2- Place your mesh Barrier into your enclosure. The mesh barrier is key to keeping your ecosystem healthy, the mesh and drainage layer work together like a team prevent the soil and water from mixing. When placing your pre-cut mesh barrier be sure to create a basket to hold the soil.
Step 3-Add your Substrate! For Poison Dart Frogs we recommend the BioActive Rainforest Substrate. This Substrate was Specially formulated with maximum hydration retention in mind!
Step 4- Plant your Plants! once you've added in your substrate your'e ready to add in your plants! You can't place just any plants in your enclosure though, For your Dart frogs be sure to plant rainforest plants that provide Coverage! Dart frogs are secretive yet curious by nature, they love to have plants that provide hiding spots but also are strong enough for them to climb on! We recommend plants such as Begonias, Birdnest fern, Bromeliads, Pothos, Button fern, Selagnellia, Babys tears, and many more plants listed below! When designing your enclosure it should look something like the grapic.

Step 5- Place your leaf litter! We recommend using leaf litter in your enclosure! It provides a living space for your clean-up crew, and holds humidity in your enclosure. We recommend Magnolia, Valley oak, Red oak, or Palm leaf litter. In addition to leaf litter we recommend mixing Spagnum moss in your ground covering to help keep your enclosure moist!
Step 6- Introduce your Clean-up crew! For a Poison Dart Frog enclosure we recommend Dwarf White or Dwarf Purple Isopods paired with Springtails!
Step 7- Add in your decor, Depending on what you're adding in you can mix up the steps. we here at BioActive supply recommend decor items for your Poison Dart Frog that they can climb on, hide next to or within, and aid in moisture retention. Some of these items include, Seed pods, Dragon wood, Cork oak tubes, Petri dishes, and so much more listed below!
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